UEA LCR, Norwich

> UEA, Norwich

Perhaps one of the UK's best-kept secrets, Turin Brakes played the UEA on Sunday evening.

Having just released their third studio album, the band played an unplugged style set that showcased their sweet harmonic sound.

The night kicked off in style with a haunting version of Mind Over Money, with Olly Knight's distinctive voice sending a shiver down the spine.

The band seemed to revel in the acoustic setting, and this appeared to translate well to the audience, who were lapping everything up and appreciating each song more than the last.

Highlights of the evening included Feeling Oblivion and Underdog; indeed, tracks from their debut album The Optimist LP appeared to receive the greatest reception.

Underdog showcased in particular the guitar skills of Gale Paridjanian, with some amazing solo work. Other standout moments included recent single Fishing For A Dream and Jackinabox, the title track of the band's last album.

Towards the end of the set the band played Pain Killer, the top five hit, which, in their own words, made them famous.

It was a fitting end to an evening that had shown the Norwich crowd what a fine band Turin Brakes are.