This Sunday will see the curtain come down on what has been another amazing Norfolk Road Running Grand Prix Series with the Bure Valley Harriers 10-mile road race which takes place in the village of Banningham. 

The Grand Prix Series has of course been sponsored by my business, Sportlink, since 2018 and something I know that all of us at Sportlink are so very proud of. 

For those who perhaps aren’t aware, The Norfolk Road Running/Racing Grand Prix Series goes right back to the early 1990s – a brainchild of Harry Collins. Harry also managed Orchard Caravans, who were the first race sponsor. 

Nigel Arnold and then Pete Johnson became the second official sponsor of this brilliant series via The Runners Centre right up to 2015 when solicitors Leathes Prior took it on prior to our involvement. 

Now whilst I really am proud of Sportlink’s input and some of the new ideas we have brought to the event such as Sportlink TV and F1 style leader boards, lots of credit must also go out to all those previous sponsors and people who have gone before and hence why this series has stood the test of time. 

So, a big thank you to all of them. 

This year has seen some management changes and just like anything else when there are changes in personnel they also bring some new ideas. Just as we did at Sportlink when we took over in 2018. 

Therefore, and whilst I want to send my thank yous out to all athletes, clubs and race organisers for their input during 2024, I would like to give a special mention to Ceri Theobald, Lawrence Wade, Katie Whitmore, Pat Brightman for the management of the series, Jon Beverley of Total Race Timing, Aaron Protheroe and Richard Hancock for producing Sportlink TV’s brilliant coverage of each race, Mark Armstrong PR and then my outside event duo of events manager Adie Grand and Pete Johnson. Not forgetting of course, the in-store management from Karen Davies, Mark Thorpe and all staff for their contributions too. 

I am sure next year will see a further few changes which I am sure will lead to an even better and more exciting series of races. 

In the meantime, we have the night of celebrations to look forward to which this year will be held at the Oaklands Hotel (Friday, November 15) in Norwich. There will also be several changes to this annual celebration with several new award categories outside of that from the race winners.  

“This year we are making it a truly inclusive event, going beyond just the Grand Prix winners and Norfolk County Marathon winners,” said Ceri Theobald. “To recognise that we have many UNSUNG HEROES, who contribute to our thriving running scene who also make Norfolk Running special. 

Tickets are now on sale via Total Race Timing whereby you can still take advantage of the reduced early bird tickets whilst still available.” 

To finish this week’s column and I know I have told this one before, but like any good story however old it might be, it doesn’t hurt to tell it again. Plus it also refers to a previous GP Awards Evening when Nigel Arnold had arranged for the former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Herbie Hide to present the end of year awards.  

Unfortunately for Nigel though, Herbie called off on the day and despite Nigel racking his brain for an alternative guest, Nigel, always being one who loves to dress up, decided to put on some boxing gloves, a wig, dark glasses, and a long dressing gown with the hood up and over his head in the hope that people would think he was Herbie. Not a chance of course and after the audience all sat there in disbelief in complete silence, the room then erupted with laughter. 

I don’t think we have any special guests presenting the prizes this year, but either way I am sure it will be a super evening. 

All the very best to everyone taking part in this Sunday’s BVH 10 and of course to Mark Armstrong, who will be running in the Berlin Marathon whilst Ian Thomas will be out in Greece taking part in his ninth Spartathlon.