With frugality essential for Norwich City this summer, Samuel Seaman suggests five free agents who could make Ben Knapper's job easier.

Brahima Diarra

It's no surprise there are already rumours circling around Brahima Diarra, with West Brom, Leicester and RB Salzburg already touted with an interest in the 20-year-old.

He's got 42 Championship appearances under his belt already despite his tender age, as well as six caps for Mali's under-23s. That shows in the advancement of his football brain, combining well with natural ability to be the driving force behind Huddersfield's best performances last season.

With Diarra available for free after leaving the Terriers there will be a dense market looking to secure his services. If Norwich could emerge from the pack and do so, they'd have a fine young player on their hands.

Midfielder Brahima Diarra leaves Huddersfield Town this summerMidfielder Brahima Diarra leaves Huddersfield Town this summer (Image: PA)

Ian Poveda

There's no doubting the talent of a man whose abilities have taken him to the youth setups at Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona and Manchester City.

Ian Poveda was long considered a prospect for the future, his mesmerising ball control and sublime left foot seemingly setting him on a path to the world's biggest and best stages.

More recently he's spent time on loan at Sheffield Wednesday and Blackpool, scoring three goals in the last two seasons to eventually run out of road at Leeds United.

But while the Whites failed to extract the most from the 24-year-old, a Norwich side led by Johannes Hoff Thorup just might do exactly that. The Dane is known for his player development, and if could tap into that with Poveda he could have a hidden gem on his hands.

Ian Poveda didn't make his mark at LeedsIan Poveda didn't make his mark at Leeds (Image: PA)

Adama Traore

No, not that one. Although both Hull's injury-prone midfielder and the ex-Barcelona winger have Malian roots, it's the former available on a free transfer.

Traore has spent the last two years with the Tigers and done well in the second tier, but ultimately those fitness issues have meant an end to his stay on Humberside.

It's been a difficult period for the 28-year-old, who's battled to live up to the promise that earned him the golden ball back in 2015 at the under-20 World Cup.

But often a new club and the resulting refresh can give players a new lease of life and the ability to live up to their potential. Traore may just be worth a punt for the Canaries, even if his arrival would undoubtedly be a risk.

Mali international Adama Traore has pedigreeMali international Adama Traore has pedigree (Image: PA)

Stuart Armstrong

Any fans of English football in recent years will be aware of Stuart Armstrong, who left a significant impact on Southampton in his six years at St.Mary's.

The box-to-box midfielder has a bit of everything: strength, speed, technical ability and tactical intelligence. In truth, he's the sort of player Norwich have needed to make them a top-tier fixture in recent years.

The downside is that he's 32, and those abilities may begin to decline fairly quickly. His five goals and seven assists last term suggest he's got the ability right now, but signing Armstrong would harm Knapper's attempt to bring the average age of the squad down.

The Scot would also likely come with significant wages driven higher by the widespread interest he'll receive, and even on a free transfer could prove expensive.

Grant Hanley's, Kenny McLean's and Angus Gunn's existing relationships with Armstrong are three more ticks in the positive column, however, and City could do worse than a player clearly very capable in the short term.

Stuart Armstrong has been released by promoted SouthamptonStuart Armstrong has been released by promoted Southampton (Image: PA)

Tyrese Campbell

Tyrese Campbell's quality has always been clear, but he's never quite made the most of it at Stoke City. The versatile forward has shown his talent in fits and starts since joining the Potters from Manchester City aged 16, but consistency has been a problem in the face of injury issues and a club in flux.

A haul of 13 goal contributions in 16 appearances woke the world up to Campbell in the 2020-21 season, but since then he's struggled to hit those heights, scoring just thrice last term as Stoke battled relegation.

He'd be a development project again, and won't be short of suitors, but at 24 he's a good age and has plenty to offer.

Former Stoke forward Tyrese Campbell is without a clubFormer Stoke forward Tyrese Campbell is without a club (Image: PA)