It was an unsurprisingly low-key affair as Johannes Hoff Thorup was unveiled as Norwich City's new head coach.

Amid a cocktail of Euro 2024 fever, a summer packed with new managers' first press conferences and the increasing national apathy around a team entering its third year of Championship football, there were more than a few empty chairs in the Carrow Road media lounge.

It was a world away from David Wagner's unveiling alongside a combative Stuart Webber, even further detached from the Premier League attention of Dean Smith's media debut.

But maybe that was the most appropriate setting, given the low-key nature of the man at the centre of it.

The step up in attention from his time at FC Nordsjaelland is huge, but the 35-year-old exuded quiet confidence as he answered a variety of questions. At times he was almost unsettlingly laid back, talking about his players like he knew nothing of them but launching into extended assessments of their strengths on demand.

Sporting director Ben Knapper was similarly relaxed, chatting about holidays light-heartedly despite knowing the pressure would be on to deliver his message immediately thereafter.

The new man was in a light-hearted moodThe new man was in a light-hearted mood (Image: Denise Bradley/Newsquest)

When the moment finally came both were impressive; they made no stark revelations but were clear about their aims for the club's future, the ideology that will guide their decisions henceforth.

Fans already knew about Thorup's attacking football in Denmark, but to hear it discussed in reference to his Norwich plan made it all feel real. They are going to get the change they desired.

In truth, Knapper's response when asked why he sacked David Wagner told a story in itself. The same issues many believed separated the two - chiefly style of player and youth pathways - were referenced by the former Arsenal analyst in stark contrast to his Thorup eulogy.

The 35-year-old also discussed the importance of young players, both to him and in the context of a club's model he's clearly become very familiar with in a few short weeks.

There was chat about more specific and current topics, including the future of Adam Idah and new assistant Glen Riddersholm, while Thorup said the strength of support was so strong he'd felt it at the airport and during dinner.

Thorup has already felt the force of the City supportThorup has already felt the force of the City support (Image: Andy Sumner/Focus Images Ltd)

After more than 35 minutes flew by and all the key topics had been covered in depth, the press conference wrapped up as quietly as it had started. Thorup shook the hands of those who'd quizzed him, Knapper reacquainted himself with those who had before, and the duo were called pitch side for a round of photography.

The latter had to be prised away from further discussion about the project, his excitement palpable as even off the record he lauded his charge once more.

On the way to the photo op the pair reunited, laughing together as they headed toward the tunnel and underneath the famous Roy Waller commentary box. The usual scarf-holding and bright smiling poses were obligatory, but there was no sense at all that this was a chore.

The Dane posed for photos after the unveilingThe Dane posed for photos after the unveiling (Image: Denise Bradley/Newsquest)

Thorup made it clear in his unveiling that he was delighted to be in Norfolk, but he had the demeanour of a man who knew he deserved the opportunity. Whether he delivers on that confidence, and the good game he talks, remains to be seen, but this was a big step on an important day.

If City are to overhaul a failing system then they'll need the help of their fans, and good messaging is the best way to secure that in pre-season. 

For now it'll have to be enough, at least until next month's meeting with Stevenage. But did a bold new era start with a low-key press conference at Carrow Road? Thorup certainly hopes so.