Onel Hernandez is setting the bar high as Norwich City prepare for the 2024-25 season.

The popular winger spent the end of last season in the injury room after breaking his foot in training, but has been at the Lotus Training Centre aiming to be fit for the start of pre-season.

He says that's all in an effort to maximise the chances of succeeding next term, with only a year left on his contract and a new head coach to impress in Johannes Hoff Thorup.

"We'll create a target for the team when we meet up and sit down with the new boss," he said. "We'll have conversations about what we want to achieve this year

"To be honest, my personal target for next season is that I want to play one of the best seasons I've ever played in my life.

"It doesn't matter if you give me 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes. It doesn't matter to me. I just want to perform the best that I can."

Hernandez believes hard work is the basis for that, and that success will follow for the Canaries as a whole if his team-mates adopt the same belief.

"I definitely want to assist a lot this year and score a few more goals than ever," he continued in a Q&A for his own YouTube channel. "That's definitely one of my targets, and I think that if I can do that and everyone else can achieve that target, we will have a great season.

"So let's just see, and work hard for it. We still have pre-season coming up and everything else, so I need to be prepared and fit, as fit as I've ever been in my life.

"I want to have a great season, and I need to work hard for that."