Pre-season tours aren’t all about the football – City’s trip to the Far East in 2004 was a good example


Football clubs travel the world to sell their merchandise as they look to extend their reach beyond domestic boundaries.

Why else would Norwich City head to Malaysia, where temperatures are sweltering at the best of times and not at all like that expected in NR1 for the opening game of the season?

Malaysia was home to Proton, whose name was on the front of City’s matchday shirts. Hence the trip to Kuala Lumpur and the hand-shaking and factory visit that were part of the itinerary.

Local fans and journalists loved it – and then manager Nigel Worthington was the perfect diplomat, keeping them happy with some appetising soundbites.

“I will be watching the Malaysian players in action during the two friendly matches against Selangor MPPJ and the Malaysian national team,” he said. “If any of the Malaysian players are outstanding then we will have them in for selection. They have to work hard just like any other player if they want to play for the club. There will not be any boardroom dealings to get players in.”

What shouldn’t be forgotten is that despite the 6,500 miles between Norwich and KL, there were still hundreds of fans in the stands.

Incidentally, City beat Selangor 3-2 and the national team 1-0 – the local media describing the latter performance as ‘mundane’.