A once true-blue council seat has returned a Labour councillor for the first time in at least 20 years.

Labour's Calix Eden was elected to the Thorpe St Andrew North West ward on Broadland District Council on Thursday - on the same day Liz Truss resigned as prime minister at lunchtime.

Mr Eden replaces Conservative Nigel Shaw, who died earlier this year. Mr Shaw held the seat for 20 years, having first been elected in 2002.

The vote represents a swing of 20.4 points from Conservative to Labour.

If the swing was replicated across the county at a general election - which may be unlikely - it would see several high-profile Conservatives lose their seats, including, Chloe Smith (Norwich North), Richard Bacon (South Norfolk), Jerome Mayhew (Broadland) and George Freeman (Mid Norfolk).

Mr Eden said: “It’s a real honour to be elected to serve in Thorpe St Andrew North West.

"I will work tirelessly to support people right across our community.”

On the same evening, Labour also made gains on Thorpe St Andrew Town Council and Sprowston Town Council, with Mr Eden and Martin Booth returned respectively.

Alice Macdonald, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Norwich North, which includes Thorpe and Sprowston, said the results are a "hugely significant win" for Labour.

"I’ve spoken to hundreds of people in Thorpe, Sprowston and right across North Norwich, they are rightly very concerned about rising bills and the chaotic response from the Conservative government," she said.

"These election results show people want change and they trust Labour to be on their side."

Mr Shaw, who lived in Firtree Road in Thorpe St Andrew, died at the age of 70 in August.

Mr Shaw travelled across Europe as a DJ before dedicating himself to public causes and was first elected to Broadland District Council (BDC) in 2002.

The Conservative also served as the county councillor for the Woodside ward for 12 years from 2004.

The results were:

Thorpe St Andrew North West Ward - Broadland District Council

Calix Francis Eden (Labour) 860

Peter Charles Berry (Conservative) 635

Brian Michael Howe (Liberal Democrat) 165

Turnout: 28pc

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council

Calix Eden (Labour) 860

David Harrod (Conservative) 581

Brian Howe (Lib Dem) 196

Turnout: 27.66pc

Sprowston Town Council

Martin Booth (Labour) 248

Shayne Stork (Conservative) 133

Victor Scrivens (Lib Dem) 26

Turnout: 17.49pc