The Green Party Group on Norfolk County Council has elected a county councillor who represents a Norwich division as its new group leader.

Richard Bearman, who was elected to serve Mancroft ward in 2009, will replace Phil Hardy, who last month defected to the controlling Conservative group, as leader.

Mr Bearman, who lives in Eaton, is currently the Green group's spokesman on children's services.

Married to Janet, a former Norwich City Councillor, he has lived in Norwich for more than 20 years.

He said: 'I am proud to take on the leadership of the Green Party group at the beginning of 2012, when there are so many social, economic and environmental concerns for Norfolk people.

'We will take a strong line in challenging the Conservative cabinet on key issues, such as limiting cuts to social welfare and public transport in the upcoming budget, and opposing the Kings Lynn incinerator, which is a threat to public health and the environment.'

Green group deputy leader Marcus Hemsley, who represents the city's Wensum ward, said Mr Bearman brought a lot of experience and knowledge to the role and said Green supporters would welcome his appointment.