Mike Brindle has become district councillor for Thetford Priory following a by-election which saw Labour gain from the Conservatives.

The seat had been held by Conservative councillor Jane Bishop, whose resignation lead to the election.

Mr Brindle received 503 votes, Conservative candidate Jane James gained 257 votes and 112 votes were cast for UKIP candidate Dean Roberts.

He called the win a 'great honour' and a 'vote of confidence'.

Mr Brindle said his focus will be on affordable housing, a better range of real jobs, adequate parking and cleaning up of streets and open spaces in the town.

Mr Brindle expressed disappointment about the turnout - 17.4pc for a 5,027 electorate.

He said: 'The turnout was low and disappointing. I would like to get it to 25pc at least. I would encourage everybody to get a postal vote it is really nice and simple.'