The opposition Liberal Democrat group at Broadland District Council has a new leader.

Sue Holland, who represents Spixworth with St Faiths on the council, has succeeded Dan Roper in the role.

She said: "I look forward to continuing to represent our communities and leading the group as we consider the services and value for money offered by the council to all of us as residents."

She said the group would be looking closely at the Conservative-controlled authority's joint working arrangements with South Norfolk Council, which is under review by a working group of members.

And she added the 'accommodation review' with South Norfolk, which could see the councils move to a new headquarters at Broadland Business Park, would also come under scrutiny.

She said: “The outcomes of both reviews are important and the Lib Dem group is determined that we put Broadland residents and their service provision first.

"Whilst working collaboratively with South Norfolk, Broadland is still an independent sovereign authority and in considering these two reviews, we must look to what is best for Broadland district residents.”

Broadland District Council has 31 Conservative councillors, 12 Lib Dems, two Labour and two Greens.