Calls have been made for 'bigger and better' bins along Gorleston seafront after a social media blitz of images showing them overflowing.

On Sunday morning William Kerrison took photographs of rubbish strewn around full bins.

Eastern Daily Press: Rubbish is strewn around a full bin in GorlestonRubbish is strewn around a full bin in Gorleston (Image: William Kerrison)

The pictures show plastic bottles, takeaway boxes and small bags of rubbish piled by bins and strewn nearby.

Mr Kerrison, an offshore worker, has now demanded that Great Yarmouth Borough Council tackle the problem.

The 53-year-old has suggested "bigger and better bins" be installed, including ones with flaps.

He said: "The bins are overflowing. I walk down there every morning and it is not nice to see.

"We need more bins. If you get 300 people on the beach it could cause mayhem for those bins.

Eastern Daily Press: A stuffed bin on Gorleston seafrontA stuffed bin on Gorleston seafront (Image: William Kerrison)

"We just need bigger and better bins. They could have flaps on."

Great Yarmouth Borough Council says it is aware of the problem and has taken action by installing more bins and introducing afternoon bin emptying operations.

Eastern Daily Press: Gulls are attracted to the overflowing binsGulls are attracted to the overflowing bins (Image: William Kerrison)

Paul Wells, chairman of the borough council's environment committee, said: “As temperatures have risen and more residents and visitors flock to Gorleston to enjoy its beach, there has been an obvious increase in litter.

"Therefore, we have added extra bins, and arranged for the bins along the seafront to be emptied each afternoon, to mitigate against any overflowing.

“We encourage all those who visit the seafront to continue to use the bins provided to keep the area a safe and clean space for all to enjoy.”

Eastern Daily Press: Rubbish strewn along the seafrontRubbish strewn along the seafront (Image: William Kerrison)

Earlier this month the problem of an overflowing bin in Tar Works Road in Great Yarmouth was raised by concerned resident Jan Heath.

She had also called for a larger bin to be installed at the site by the River Bure, with the council saying it was "monitoring the situation".

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is installing improved bins along Great Yarmouth's seafront.

In March 2021 Mr Kerrison had also reported a problem of dog mess on Gorleston seafront.

He had spotted 20 piles of dog mess in Quay Road and demanded the council take action.

Residents can report any issues about rubbish or fly-tipping to the council using the Love Clean Streets App.