Plans to build a new Lidl supermarket have gone back to the drawing board after concerns were raised over access to the site and the possible impact of traffic.  

The German supermarket chain wants to transform the former Busseys car dealership site in Yaxham Road, Dereham, into a new store to replace its branch in Kingston Road.

Breckland Council's planning officers recommended the scheme go ahead and councillors were due to consider it this week - but the application has now been withdrawn from the planning committee meeting.

READ MORE: Plans to build new Lidl supermarket in Dereham on hold

Alison Webb said, who was among those who raised concerns over the location, said: “Common sense has prevailed.

“I and Dereham Town Council have been in dialogue with [Breckland’s officers] over the last two weeks about the issues. I’ve always had my concerns over access and making sure it doesn’t make traffic worse.

“There were some questions over the access and [Breckland's planning officers] are now asking for more information before it goes back to the committee’s decision.

“It has gone back to the applicants and they will have to re-submit it with more information.

"Hopefully, they will address the concerns of the Dereham residents and come back with a much-improved plan. It wasn’t acceptable as it was.”

Eastern Daily Press: The German supermarket chain has been bidding to transform the former Busseys car dealership site in Yaxham Road into a new store for DerehamThe German supermarket chain has been bidding to transform the former Busseys car dealership site in Yaxham Road into a new store for Dereham (Image: Newsquest)

Norfolk County Council’s highways department said the new store's impact on the road network would not be “severe”.

But more than 120 people and groups including Dereham Town Council have submitted objections to the scheme - with the majority opposing Lidl's move on traffic grounds. 

One objector said the plan was "absolute madness" without an overhaul of the road network, with others saying the area was already prone to snarl-ups and gridlock. 

READ MORE: Lidl submit new planning documents for Dereham application

The highways department said: “The type of development proposed at this brownfield site would be unlikely to generate many new vehicle trips during the commuter peak period; most visitors at that time would already be passing by on the network."

Lidl has been contacted for comment.