Allotment holders in Thetford are gearing up for a fresh battle to save their plots from being paved over to make way for a massive £80m development.

The green space, on Mundford Road, is part of an area earmarked for the 'Gateway Thetford' project, which proposes a major programme of investment around the nearby railway station.

If it goes ahead, the work could involve improving the station's facilities, as well as building new homes and commercial buildings.

Precise plans are still being drawn up and a feasibility study is to be carried out.

Eastern Daily Press: Allotment holders in Thetford are concerned about what potential development at the town's railway station could mean for their plotsAllotment holders in Thetford are concerned about what potential development at the town's railway station could mean for their plots (Image: Noah Vickers/Local Democracy Reporting Service)

But at a meeting on Tuesday, town councillors said the project could lead to the potential relocation of "up to 100pc" of the allotments.

A report produced by Thetford Town Council (TTC) claims that the allotment land represents "the only realistic space for development" around the station.

"Without this land, options for enhancing the station will be severely limited," it adds.

Eastern Daily Press: The allotments at Mundford Road in ThetfordThe allotments at Mundford Road in Thetford (Image: Google)

Some 30 concerned townspeople turned up to the packed-out TTC meeting.

Allotment holder Alan Beard told the meeting that moving the allotments to another site "is to destroy a community, in an already established place of solace and solitude, to destroy the benefits they bring to those with health problems, including the wellbeing of local people".

Eastern Daily Press: Thetford Town Council discussed the implications of development at the town's railway station, at a packed-out meeting on TuesdayThetford Town Council discussed the implications of development at the town's railway station, at a packed-out meeting on Tuesday (Image: Noah Vickers/Local Democracy Reporting Service)

He warned that attempts to destroy the allotments would be "resisted".

Labour councillor Mike Brindle said he hoped the station could be upgraded while keeping the allotments, which he called a "win-win situation".

"Roll on the feasibility study - and then the serious discussion begins. How can we protect the allotments? How can we improve the station?" he said. 

Conservative councillor Barbara Tullett said: "I do feel for the allotment holders, and it is beneficial for everyone to have allotments, but there's a whole big population in Thetford, and I think a good station is well-deserved."  

It is not the first time the allotments have been threatened with development.

Eastern Daily Press: Allotment holders in Thetford are concerned about what development at the town's railway station could mean for their plotsAllotment holders in Thetford are concerned about what development at the town's railway station could mean for their plots (Image: Noah Vickers/Local Democracy Reporting Service)

In 2019, the Greater Thetford Partnership - a body comprising representatives from each tier of local government in the town - proposed almost doubling the number of parking spaces at the station.

The partnership revealed that they had held private talks with the rail company Greater Anglia about that possibility, sparking fears from the allotment holders - who quickly organised themselves into a group committed to protecting their plots. 

Those plans were not followed through on, but now the Gateway Thetford scheme is being proposed through Breckland Council's 'Future Breckland' project.

The scheme would come with a price tag of up to £80.6m - but the consultants who authored the proposal say it would attract high-wage employers to the town and boost the local economy.

The town council committed to ongoing engagement and consultation with the plot holders, who in turn said after the meeting that they would continue pursuing their cause.