The places where more than a dozen new schools are likely to be needed in Norfolk over the next 10 years have been revealed.

With tens of thousands of homes due to be built in Norfolk, education bosses are planning for where extra school places will be needed to cope with the county's swelling population. In one area on the outskirts of Norwich, a need for up to eight new schools has been identified.

It would cost almost £300m to get all the required schools built - and Norfolk County Council is not even certain of securing all the cash.

Eastern Daily Press: New schools will need to be built in and around Norwich.New schools will need to be built in and around Norwich. (Image: PA)

A report which came before the council's Conservative-controlled cabinet on Monday (January 31) revealed new schools could be built and opened in Wymondham and Cringleford by 2024.

It said new primary schools would be needed in subsequent years in Thetford, Hellesdon, Long Stratton, Attleborough, Bradwell, Blofield, West Winch, North Runcton and Poringland.

Almost all of the proposed schools are primaries - because they are earmarked for neighbourhoods where young families are expected to settle. However, in future years, more secondary spaces will have to be found.

A new secondary school and up to seven primary school are also likely to be needed in the north Norwich 'growth triangle' of Sprowston, Old Catton and Rackheath.

Where would schools be built?


Eastern Daily Press: The Kingsfleet development in Thetford.The Kingsfleet development in Thetford. (Image: Emily Thomson)

Some 5,000 new homes are due to be built at Kingsfleet, with about 100 already built. Council bosses say the slow rate of build means primary schools and Thetford Academy can cope at the moment.

But Pigeon, the land promoters for the Kingsfleet development, has been working with the council over providing three new primary schools at a cost of £9m each.

The council says the first will be needed within the next five years and two more over the next two decades, with a possible need for more secondary places in the longer term.

North Norwich Growth Triangle

More than 12,000 new homes are earmarked for the area around Sprowston, Old Catton and Rackheath.

There is currently no pressure for places in this area and most schools are seeing lower intake numbers at reception due to the birth rate decline.

But council officers say, once schemes, such as 3,500 homes at Beeston Park and 4,000 new homes at Rackheath start to be built, pressure will mount.

No fewer than seven primary schools may be needed, while a new £26m secondary school is likely to be needed after 2026.

East Norwich

The former Colman's site could be developed with up to 4,000 homes. Primary schools in this area, plus the Hewett School, currently have spare places. But a new primary school will be needed in the longer term.


The town is set for a 'sustainable urban extension' of 4,000 homes. There is currently capacity in primary schools, following the reorganisation of the town's schools.

But, in the longer term, two new primary schools are likely to be needed, while the council is also monitoring whether there are enough Attleborough Academy secondary places.


Eastern Daily Press: Wymondham is set for new housing - and a new school at Silfield.Wymondham is set for new housing - and a new school at Silfield. (Image: Archant)

Up to 1,500 new homes are planned, but the town's three primary schools are already almost at capacity.

The council says the new housing, coupled with in-year admissions from children moving to the area is "a cause for concern".

While a new primary school is due to open at Silfield in September 2024, future expansion for Wymondham High Academy is being planned.


Up to 1,300 new homes are proposed for the village and a new primary school is planned to open in September 2024.


Some 1,200 homes are being built in the village. Woodside Infant School has moved and growing to 'all-through' primary provision and the expansion of Hethersett Junior School to a 420 place primary school is preparing for the growth.

Eastern Daily Press: Hethersett Academy.Hethersett Academy. (Image: Archant 2021)

But Hethersett Academy is at capacity and over-subscribed, so council officers are working to understand what further expansion work is needed.


Hillside, Homefield and Woodlands primary schools are all at capacity - and one thousand new homes are earmarked for Bradwell, with more than 400 already built.

That means a new primary school is due to open in September 2025.


There are no pressures on current schools, but, with 950 new homes planned for the town, a new primary school may be needed after 2026, while Fakenham Academy may need to expand.

Long Stratton

Between 1,800 to 2,400 homes are due to be built, with a new primary school site identified to the east of the village. But council officers say it will not be needed until after 2026.


Up to 500 new homes are being built, with schools in the area already full. A new 420 place primary school in Blofield is due to open in 2024/25, with the existing school relocated and expanding into the new building.

West Winch/North Runcton

Eastern Daily Press: West Winch Primary School.West Winch Primary School. (Image: Archant)

Up to 4,000 new homes are planned in two phases - 1,600 up to 2026 and 2,400 after 2026.

The council says West Winch Primary is likely to come under pressure once the homes start being built, as it is already at capacity.

The council says two new primaries are likely to be needed, but it will take several years before the impact on secondary schools is clear.


Schools in Poringland and surrounding areas are all full for 2021 admissions and forecasts indicate this pressure will continue. A search for a new primary school site is under way.


More than 100 properties as part of an application for 1,000 homes have been built and that scheme is likely to put pressure on school places. That could trigger the need for a new primary school and an expansion for Hellesdon High.


All primary schools in the town are full and a further 250 homes are due to be built, so a new primary school is needed.


An application for 665 new homes off Jack Chase Way, which includes a new primary school, has been lodged.


There is no pressure for school places currently, but Taverham has been earmarked for 1,400 new homes, so council officers said it would be "prudent" to plan for a new primary school.

How will the council afford these schools?

Alongside district councils, the county council expects to secure nearly £100m in developer contributions for the proposed new and extended schools.

But if all of the places are needed, a further £191m would need to be found - some of which would come from Community Infrastructure Levy and government grants.

John Fisher, the council's cabinet member for children's services, said: "As a council we’ve secured thousands of new school places in the last decade, with state-of-the-art schools already open in many of our growing communities.

“We want all children to have access to a good education near to their homes, so we will continue to work with our district council colleagues to secure land and funding for school places, as more communities grow.”