A decision on whether to grant permission for 76 new homes in a west Norfolk village has been deferred amid fears over traffic “carnage”.

Officers at West Norfolk Borough Council had been recommending that councillors approve the new housing development in Terrington St Clement at a planning committee meeting on Wednesday, June 15.

But councillors instead voted by majority in favour of visiting the site before giving a verdict on the project.

The new estate would be accessed from Northgate Way, and would link up with a further 44 homes to the south, the latter of which already have planning permission.

At the meeting, local independent borough councillor Sandra Squire warned: “There is a lot of development in Terrington St Clement - a lot. Traffic in the village is getting significantly worse.”

She warned that people on the new development would use Benn’s Lane as a rat run to access the centre of the village - which at school times would cause “utter carnage” when parents try to take the same route.

The parish council had raised similar concerns.

Ms Squire also said she was concerned about damage to the village’s character, and the strain on its infrastructure.

“If you fill in that whole green area, it changes the whole spirit of the village completely.

“It’s becoming more of a town. Both schools are full. The doctor’s surgery, I believe, is also full.

“To put so many houses back into Terrington St Clement - I share the parish council’s concerns. I have to support them as their ward councillor.

“Yes, we do need houses, but the access in that area - and if you want to go and see it, if you want to do a site visit, that would be great, because at school times the traffic is horrendous.”

Norfolk County Council’s highways department said they had no objection to the scheme.

But some 99 people have written to the council objecting to the proposal, claiming that further housing is not needed in the village and with similar concerns about the impact on the roads.

A site visit was later proposed by Conservative councillor Chris Crofts, which was seconded by Ms Squire before winning majority approval from the committee.

The councillors will make their visit on Tuesday June 21.