Carers of people with mental health problems will have a chance to find out about local support services, at a new series of one-to-one advice sessions being held at Sheringham Medical Practice.

Run by Jill Curtis, who is a member of the adult mental health community team based at Hellesdon Hospital, Norwich, the sessions were the idea of the surgery's Patient Participation Group, which has also arranged monthly drop-in advice sessions with representatives from Age UK and Arthritis Care.

Group chairman Janet Eastwood said the mental health sessions aimed to give carers a chance to talk about any worries they may have and get expert advice and support.

She added: 'The carers are the people who take a lot of the burden, but they have needs themselves and there isn't always the support out there.' The sessions, which run from 9am-1pm, start on October 6. For an appointment, phone 012163 820505.