A town council has issued a colourful “thank you” to key workers and volunteers for their response to the coronavirus crisis.

Hunstanton Town Council (HTC) unveiled the seafront rainbow and message in an attempt to spread cheer as lockdown continues.

Rainbows have become a symbol of hope throughout the pandemic, with many children putting pictures in their windows to say thank you to key workers.

Now, HTC has itself thanked “everyone helping us through this COVID-19 pandemic”, with gratitude expressed specifically to the following:

· NHS workers at QE Hospital, paramedics and staff at medical centres

· Carers in residential homes and those caring for people in their own homes

· Members of the police and fire service, coastguards and RNLI

· Essential workers keeping our food supply, transport, deliveries and other vital services operating

· Volunteers providing essential help to those in need

· Those following the advice to stay at home within Hunstanton

· Those from elsewhere resisting the temptation to visit Hunstanton

Registered charities and community/volunteer groups in Hunstanton can apply for cash grants by visiting the town council website.

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