Police have revealed figures showing the number of offences of people having sex in public in Norfolk and Suffolk over the last five years.

There were 43 recorded offences of public sex in Norfolk and 27 in Suffolk between 2017 and 2021, a Freedom of Information request showed.

Public sex offences are covered by a range of possible charges including outraging public decency contrary to common law and exposure, where someone exposing themselves intending others will see them and be caused alarm or distress.

In Norfolk there were 37 offences of committing or conspiring to commit an act outraging public decency, 10 of which were in 2021, and six of exposure.

In Suffolk there were no exposure offences recorded.

One single incident related to sexual activity in a public toilet, which was during 2019 in Suffolk.

The data does not show if any prosecutions resulted from these incidents.