Two members of a gang jailed for more than 37 years after targeting people for their Rolex watches are appealing their prison sentences, it has emerged.

Freddie Aguis, 30 and Shane Johnson, 31, and John Weaver, 26, were part of a gang which followed a woman in her 50s for more than 100 miles from London before she was violently mugged when she stopped outside Hingham Fish Bar.

Eastern Daily Press: The scene of the incident outside Hingham Fish Bar. Photo: Luke PowellThe scene of the incident outside Hingham Fish Bar. Photo: Luke Powell (Image: Archant)

The victim was attacked from behind and had a hand placed over her mouth so she struggled to breathe and her watch and jewellery were stolen before they drove off in her Mercedes car.

Aguis, from London, and Johnson, of no fixed abode, were last year given 16-year extended sentences when they were sentenced at Norwich Crown Court after they admitted the robbery on March 13 2019.

The pair also admitted two further robberies involving Rolex watches in London and Worcester.

In one robbery a Rolex worth £25,000 new was stolen and in another a watch worth £20,000 was taken.

But both are due to appeal their sentences next month.

A spokesman for the Court of Appeal in London confirm both defendants have a hearing on February 4 to determine whether their sentences are to be cut.

In last year's sentencing hearing the court heard a statement from the victim who said: "For victims like me we have a life sentence.

"You watch people being grabbed from behind in the dark on TV. It's entertaining and it may make you jump, but that is it.

"When It happens in reality together with what else happened, it is indescribable.

She added: "I am thankful for for brilliant family, friends and neighbours or I would not be here now as you relive it countless times every day and every night."

Jailing the robbers Judge Katharine Moore said the robberies had a profound effect on the victims both physically and psychologically.

The court heard how the gang attacked the victim when she stopped in Hingham to get some shopping and chips.

She called out for help but was told to shut up and rings were pulled from her fingers and her Rolex snatched.