A free-style motocross team, best-known for appearing on Britain's Got Talent and Top Gear, has had bikes worth £50,000 stolen from a compound.

Dan Whitby, director of Bolddog FMX Team, said: "I was headed to the compound with another rider to train and noticed one of the containers was open.

"I didn't think much of it to begin with however when I saw the second container open and looked closer I noticed most of its contents were gone."

%image(14400678, type="article-full", alt="Dan Whitby, director at Bolddog FMX Team, is over-whelmed at the support from the community and that he'll work hard to get the stolen bikes back.")

In total nine motorbikes and two quad bikes, totalling around £50,000 were stolen from Metfield near Harleston.

Mr Whitby said: "I'm not really an angry person - I have good morals instilled in me and I'll work hard to replace the bikes.

%image(14400679, type="article-full", alt="Two quad bikes were also stolen from the compound as well as nine motocross bikes.")

"It's just the invasion of space and privacy. My business partner lives near the area and has two young girls who are now afraid to go out - this upsets me the most.

"You don't know how much things like this affect you until you end up going through it yourself."

%image(14400680, type="article-full", alt="In total around £50,000 worth of bikes and equipment was stolen from the Bolddog compound.")

Despite the incident Mr Whitby is keeping his head held high and is receiving a lot of support through the community.

He said: "My post has been shared over 2,000 times - it's quite over-whelming the support we've received so far.

"It motivates me to work hard and get back to where we were. They've taken away our livelihood but as leader of the team I need to step up."

%image(14400681, type="article-full", alt="Arran Powley performing a stunt known as the 'heart attack' on his modified free-style motocross bike.")

Arran Powley, a rider for Bolddog FMX team, said: "It's a massive kick in the teeth for us.

"We all worked hard to acquire our equipment and now it's all been taken away from us."

%image(14400682, type="article-full", alt="Arran Powley, rider for Bolddog FMX Team, said it was a "massive kick in the teeth" to have their equipment and livelihood stolen.")

When police were contacted they said: "Police received a report of a burglary at a farm at Metfield at about 4.50pm on Tuesday February 1.

"It took place at some point between 29 January at 5pm to 1 February at 4.50pm.

"During this time the suspects gained access by cutting the locks of three containers and two lorry backs with two quad bikes and around eight or nine motorbikes stolen.

"Anyone who knows anything should contact Suffolk police, quoting crime reference 37/6680/22."