Barry Warren, 78, was jailed for 10 years 6 months today after admitting to a string of offences involving boys - some dating back to the 1970s.

Warren, of Clifton Road, was sentenced by Judge Bacon this morning at Norwich Crown Court.

In August 2014, he pleaded guilty to two counts of gross indecency against two boys under the age of 13 in the 1990s when he was a Scout master.

Twelve more victims came forward alleging abuse following his conviction. All offences involved boys under the age of 16 who met Warren through the Scouts between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s.

Welcoming the sentencing, Detective Con Debbie Payne, from Norfolk Constabulary's Child Abuse Investigation Unit said: 'Warren clearly misused his position of trust to take his unassuming victims on trips on the Norfolk Broads and swimming at the weekends.

'He then used these trips as an opportunity to abuse them. We would like to commend all the victims for the bravery they have shown in speaking to the police.'

'Warren's actions all those years ago, has had a profound impact on many of the victims but we hope such a sentence will help them to move on positively with their lives.

She added: 'We would also like to assure other victims of abuse that every allegation is fully investigated by Norfolk Constabulary, with specialist officers guiding victims through the process.

'Support and advice is available from a range of agencies and police work closely with partners to work towards the successful prosecution of offenders.'

The new allegations resulted in Warren pleading guilty to seven counts of gross indecency and one count of sexual assault at Norwich Crown Court on Monday 7 September. Warren was sentenced for all offences at court today.

Warren was also placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for life.

Norfolk's Sexual Assault Referral Centre, The Harbour Centre, operates a 24-hour service for victims of sexual abuse and can be contacted on 0845 456 4810, or call police on 101 to report a crime. Visit for more information.