A community nurse has admitted possession with intent to supply heroin.

Camella Chidgey, 53, who was a community nurse with the Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust, was charged with possession with intent to supply heroin on October 22 last year.

Chidgey, of Checker Street, King’s Lynn, appeared at Norwich Crown Court on Monday, November 9 when she pleaded guilty.

Hugh Vass represented Chidgey, who wore a facemask throughout the hearing. He said she “was a nurse” but will probably “never work as a nurse again” following her guilty plea.

Mr Vass told the court she had been under some pressure from her partner, who had since died, to get the drugs but also wanted them for herself.

Judge Anthony Bate adjourned the case until January 4 to allow for a pre-sentence report to be carried out but warned Chidgey “all options will be open”.