Norwich Airport sees a return to its weekday flights to Amsterdam this week - offering a £293 return service.

Flights start again on Friday operated by KLM leaving Norwich at 9.40am, arriving at 11.40am with a similar return, leaving Amsterdam at 9.20am and landing in Norwich at 9.10am, because of the time difference.

The flights stopped last December because of coronavirus and their return mark the start of Norwich Airport's summer schedule, with a service to Jersey next, starting on June 29 followed by Palma, Majorca on July 6 and Corfu on July 9.

However, the airport stresses all its flights are subject to change because of coronavirus.

Amsterdam is currently on amber, meaning quarantine is necessary on return to the UK for 10 days. Passengers need to take a Covid test before departure and have proof of a negative result. They also need to have another test on day two and eight after their return.

A spokesman from Norwich Airport said: "This week we are looking forward to KLM flights from Norwich to Amsterdam recommencing."

Flights from Norwich to Exeter, Edinburgh and Dalaman, Turkey are all scheduled to start from July 12.