With the cold weather rolling in, a new Parisian hot chocolate spot hopes its sweet offerings will warm the hearts of city folk.

Rêve de Chocolat is currently serving its chocolatey drinks from a pop-up stall near TK Max in Castle Quarter.

The menu is simple but owner Louise Pointer said it is the technique which sets her hot chocolate apart from others.

"Hot chocolate used to be made of real chocolate melted into the milk," she said. "It still is in lots of cafés in Paris.

"The invention of cocoa powder has made it more convenient but it has no real flavour.

"And people are so used to the powder that they don't even know how decadent the real thing is.

"So I'm going for Parisian-style hot chocolate - adding milk or dark or vegan chocolate pieces into milk."

Currently on offer is the standard hot chocolate, Cocoa Pure for £2.50, and a hot chocolate with syrups and toppings, Cocoa Indulgent, for £3.

Ms Pointer, who was inspired to start the business because of her childrens' love of hot chocolate, is already planning menu additions with mochas in the next few weeks and frappés in the summer.

"It's my first retail business so it's nerve-wracking," she said. "When you open and there are not many customers you just think: 'Oh god, what have I done?'

"But you have to feel the fear and do it anyway.

"Especially as a new small business - big brands can throw stuff at the wall and if it doesn't stick they move on.

"Small businesses don't have that luxury."

And Ms Pointer said if customers take to her chocolate offerings, she has big plans for the future.

She added: "If the people of Norwich like me and it all goes well then I'd love to open a café in the city.

"I have the pop-up in Castle Quarter until January and then I'll re-evaluate."

Rêve de Chocolat is one of many new additions to Castle Quarter.

Escape Hunt opened its newest escape room in August and later this year street food and live music venue Castle Social will be launching.