Hidden in Norfolk is a multi-million pound machine which can transport its rider to a speedy world of Alpine race tracks and Formula 1 cars - without getting a single scratch on the body work.

Eastern Daily Press: Ansible Motion at Hethel Engineering Centre. The simulator for driving any vehicle in any kind of conditions created by engineer Kia Cammaerts. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYAnsible Motion at Hethel Engineering Centre. The simulator for driving any vehicle in any kind of conditions created by engineer Kia Cammaerts. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Copyright: Archant 2015)

Ansible Motion, which has just opened a new development suite at Hethel Engingeering Centre near Wymondham, can re-create the experience of driving car models with £2m worth of immersive technology.

Company founders Kia Cammaerts and Bob Stevens, who met whilst working together at Team Lotus, first came up with the idea for a uniquely manoeuvrable layered base they have called a 'stratiform' by playing with beer mats back in 2009.

And six years and millions of pounds of investment later, the pair are no longer sharing ideas in their bedrooms but employing 10 staff to refine the design of each platform to get as real an experience as possible.

Mr Cammaerts said other machines on the market were not as cost effective for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) as his, with some causing motion sickness in those brave enough to get behind the wheel.

Eastern Daily Press: Ansible Motion at Hethel Engineering Centre. Screens show the data, and the driver of the simulator for driving any vehicle in any kind of conditions created by engineer Kia Cammaerts. Picture: DENISE BRADLEYAnsible Motion at Hethel Engineering Centre. Screens show the data, and the driver of the simulator for driving any vehicle in any kind of conditions created by engineer Kia Cammaerts. Picture: DENISE BRADLEY (Image: Copyright: Archant 2015)

'When we started we thought this was something that ought to exist, and we've proven ourselves right,' he said. 'The market has taken a while to catch up, though. This technology existed five years ago, and the market is just starting to really need it now.'

Among the customers for the simulator, which allows giant manufacturers to test the design of a new model without the worry of smashing up a shiny new product, are Germany and Japan - with sales in the UK further behind.

'We were approached by a research and development centre in Japan which employs around 10,000 people, and sold models to them because there simply wasn't anything over there like this,' said Mr Cammaerts, whose team has shifted 12 models so far. 'In the UK, we've only sold to Caterham F1. We simply don't have the same level of manufacturing over here.'

The team at Hethel Engineering Centre have been working particularly on reducing 'latency', which is the delay time between stimulation to the driver and how soon he or she then responds - an important test of it feeling 'real'.

Mr Cammaerts said recruiting from Norfolk had been crucial to obtaining the talent it needed to produce the machinery, each of which is run by 16 computers.

'The talent in the area, especially from Lotus being based here, means all our staff are from Norfolk. We have some of the best automotive engineers around,' said Mr Cammaerts. 'And the community and centre staff at Hethel have been genuinely important in helping us do our work without worry.'

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