The products it makes are in ten pound notes, crisp packets and the packaging of your microwave chips.

And now Thetford-firm, Camvac, is celebrating 50 years of being based in the town.

The market-leading vacuum metallisation company moved to the Breckland town from Cambridge in 1965.

Despite having been through the hands of several different owners down the years, it remains at its Burrell Way home.

Its 130-strong staff and their families were invited to an open day on July 24 to toast the occasion, with former employees also invited along.

Visitors had the chance to see into the company's past with an exhibition of photographs, and former directors in attendance.

Managing director, Steve Jackson, followed in his father's footsteps in taking a job at Camvac, and has served 30 years at the company.

He said it was a friendly and supportive place to work.

'It's skilled work to run the machines and we have a lot of experienced members of staff who have been here a long while.

'We're also taking on apprentices and trying to make links with the local schools for the future.

'We hold on to a lot of people, and quite a few have left and then returned so we must be doing something right,' he said.

Camvac's work sees it produce items which are used in a host of household products.

Wrappers for chocolate bars,the metallic strip in bank notes, metal threads in clothing, tinsel, and films and laminate for insulation are among some of the products using their technology.

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