An ever-present, energetic mainstay of the Norfolk Young Farmers community was given a grateful farewell during the federation's annual meeting.

County organiser Ches Broom, who is stepping down from her role after 20 years, was treated to speeches from four former colleagues who hailed the inspiration, efficiency and fundraising expertise which had helped see the club through 1990s doldrums and the Foot and Mouth crisis of 2001.

She was also shown a video photo montage, which she watched with her husband Andy from a bench, engraved in her honour, and presented by the club members.

'It has been 20 fantastic years and I have enjoyed every single minute of it,' she said. 'That's not because of me, it is because of you. There must be something in the water in Norfolk, because the young people here are absolutely fantastic.'

Outgoing president Christine Hill said: 'Ches has been pivotal in all the successes we have had. She worked tirelessly for every moment for 20 years. Ches has been Norfolk Young Farmers, and Norfolk Young Farmers has been Ches.

'Her influence, ready smile, encouragement and judgement has steered the organisation through thick and thin – knowing when to advise, when to lead and when to stand back. I think your legacy is that you will never be anonymous wherever you go, as there will always be a smiling face around any Norfolk corner. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.'

The Norfolk Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs (YFC) held its 72nd annual general meeting at Easton and Otley College.

Members were told the YFC now supported 27 clubs across Norfolk, involving 700 young people in competitions, training and recreation – and charitable efforts which have raised more than £38,000 for good causes.

Before handing the gavel to his successor Phil Debenham, outgoing county chairman Ant Boesen reported on a busy year which included straw bale sculptures to promote new members' nights, the return of the Norfolk YFC Hockey tournament, successful competitions and rally days and the creation of a new Countrysiders and senior clubs at Swaffham.

Louis Baugh was welcomed as the new county president, and the guest speaker was Easton and Otley College principal David Henley, who challenged the YFC to come up with ideas for a Latin motto or crest which captures the college's vision to educate and guide people towards land-based careers.

Norfolk YFC 2015 Trophy Winners

• The Chairman's Cup for outstanding club achievement: Dereham

• NFU Mutual Trophy – awarded to the club with the most points based on all the competitions: Wymondham

• Norfolk Daniels Charity Cup, for the club raising most money for its named charity: Downham Market (£11,710.91)

• Program Competition for the club with the best winter program: Dereham

• Club Growth Cup for the highest percentage membership growth: Reepham (53pc)

• Presidents Perpetual Trophy, for the club gaining the most points in public speaking competitions: North Elmham (11 points).

• The County Stockjudging Trophy: Emily Hinsley, Attleborough Countrysiders

• Secretary of the Year: Mary Jones, Reepham

• The Paterson Cup for club of the year: North Walsham