The UK's only dried pasta factory has invested in a second state-of-the-art production line in its factory in Norwich as it anticipates increased demand because of Brexit.

Eastern Daily Press: The new production line at Pasta Foods. Pic: Pasta Foods.The new production line at Pasta Foods. Pic: Pasta Foods.

Pasta Foods is stockpiling ingredients to ensure continued food manufacturing for six months in case Brexit causes long delays at the ports.

The firm, which is also the world leader in the production of snack pellets, uses French wheat in its pasta to supply the makers of ready meals across the UK.

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Managing director Gordon Chetwood said Brexit 'has been a great opportunity' for the company.

He added: 'All businesses want security of supply. We're based in the UK ... and if you're getting your product from Italy or Greece at the moment you've got uncertainty about whether it going to get through the port – so customers have been looking to come to us for their pasta.'

The company has invested £4m in the new 24/7 production line.