A giant tractor made from 62 straw bales won a 'wheat art' competition run by breakfast cereal brand Weetabix.

The 10ft tractor, created by Fenland wheat grower Michael Sly and his team from Park Farm in Thorney was awarded the top prize ahead of other creations which included a tower of multi-coloured farm animals and a sausage dog.

The winner was given the chance to nominate a charity close to their heart for a £1,000 donation so Mr Sly chose The Thorney Society, which runs a local heritage museum educating visitors about the importance of local food and farming.

He said: "We've been growing wheat for Weetabix for nearly 70 years, and this competition was a great way to celebrate the connection between our local fields and the Weetabix that ends up in breakfast bowls up and down the country.

"We were inspired by our Open Farm Sunday event to build a tractor and trailer and hope it will raise a smile for all the visitors to our farm."