A sports club in a coastal village could receive upgrades to its facilities.

Plans have been lodged to upgrade Overstrand Sports club. 

The club wishes to demolish its old extension and build a new one to expand and remodel its clubhouse to bring the 19th century building into the 21st century, whilst minimising its impact on the local conservation area.

Remodelling the extension would allow for disabled access, a disabled toilet, additional male and female toilets and a secure storage area.

The original pavilion was built in the late 19th century, and a single storey extension was added to the rear of the building in the mid 20th century.

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Overstrand sports club's unique clubhouseOverstrand sports club's unique clubhouse (Image: Pauline E) READ MORE: Cromer council proposes £260,000 disability access works

Overstrand Sports Club was formed in 1946.

A planning document said: "Whilst the pavilion is unique in character, it is no longer suitable in both size and quality of accommodation, for the current sporting and social use.

"In particular there is no disabled access and WC provision.

"The appearance of the new extension compliments the existing village hall in terms of materials, colour, design and scale."