Officials have expressed frustration at yet another incident of vandalism at a park's public toilet that this time "may be irreparable".

Lowestoft locals celebrated earlier this year when toilet facilities that had been closed for more than a decade in Fen Park, Kirkley, reopened following a £50,000 refurbishment.

But now for the third time since its grand reopening - where ribbons of toilet paper were ceremoniously cut - the toilet has once again been defaced by vandals.

The walls were defaced with graffiti that reads "Drugz" (Image: Naomi Palmer) The latest incident happened at about 3.30pm last Thursday when a group of tracksuit-wearing teens were caught red-handed spraying the space before quickly running off.

The toilet faced vandalism in February and June and was forced to close on both occasions.

Connor Blowers, chair of the Friends of Fen Park, said: "We are very disappointed with the continued vandalism of the Fen Park toilets.

READ MORE: Paint thrown over play area equipment as vandals cause damage

"The toilets were opened in January this year which was great news for the regular park users who had been wanting a toilet in the park for years.

"For local people who use this park, it has been very frustrating and it means they have to cut down their time in the park due to no facilities.

"Every time they are vandalised it is more money, time and resources which could be spent elsewhere."

Connor Blowers, Chair of the Friends of Fen Park, says that he is disappointed with the continued vandalism (Image: Mick Howes) A spokesman for the Lowestoft Town Council added: "It is frustrating that Fen Park has again been targeted by vandalism. The damage caused may be irreparable and, at the very least, come at a substantial cost. 

"When the Town Council opened the refurbished toilet block, we returned this much-needed facility back to public use however, this is the latest in a regular reoccurrence of vandalism in the park."