One of Norfolk's MPs has been elected to a government committee which scrutinises decisions over transport and said he will use his new role to fight for better buses in the county.

Steffan Aquarone, Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk, has been elected to the 11-member, cross-party transport select committee.

The committee scrutinises leaders, policymakers and ministers on transport issues,  including public transport, roads and cars and active travel, such as cycling.

READ MORE: Could Norfolk County Council take control of bus services?

Mr Aquarone said: "The people of North Norfolk desperately need access to safe, reliable transport that gets them to work, to their healthcare appointments, to their schools and universities.

"I’m thinking of the teenager I spoke to in Happisburgh who can’t get to college on time with the current inadequate transport provision, or the elderly woman in Cley who has rescheduled an urgent appointment with her doctor numerous times due to a lack of buses in her village.

"A well-connected Norfolk with high quality buses linking towns and villages shouldn’t be too much to ask, and that’s what I’ll be fighting for."