Norfolk police have been criticised for a new policy which requires female staff to share changing rooms with biological male colleagues who identify as women.

The force has outlined the ruling in a new document which says that trans-identified officers and staff are entitled to choose to use the toilet, shower and changing facilities "where they feel most comfortable".

The policy has come under fire from Rupert Lowe, the MP for Great Yarmouth, who said: "Biological men should not be permitted entry into women's spaces.

"For the women involved, it can be incredibly uncomfortable and they should not be put in that unfair position."

Norfolk Constabulary headquarters at WymondhamNorfolk Constabulary headquarters at Wymondham (Image: Newsquest) The edict is given in a 23-page document drawn up by Norfolk Constabulary, entitled Trans Equality at Work Policy, which outlines how trans officers and staff should be treated and to ensure they are not discriminated against.

The force said it had been drawn up following a consultation involving the Police Federation, Unison and 'staff support networks' and was designed to create "a workplace in which people are supported and feel they can be themselves".

However, the policy will raise questions over the extent to which female members of staff are being asked to consent to the change and the degree to which they will feel able to raise concerns.

Sign on the temporary locker room in Darlington HospitalSign on the temporary locker room in Darlington Hospital (Image: Christian Concern)

It comes at a time when such workplace policies are the focus of huge and intense debate.

An NHS trust in Darlington is currently being sued by a group of female nurses for sexual harassment and sex discrimination over a similar policy allowing transwomen to use women's changing rooms.

The nurses say they have been made to feel unsafe by a male member of staff who identifies as a woman.
The group of nurses, from Darlington Memorial Hospital The group of nurses, from Darlington Memorial Hospital (Image: Christian Concern) They raised their concerns but claim that other colleagues have not, because they fear the consequences.

The case is seen as a significant test in an area of law that is heavily contested.

Under the Equality Act 2010 it is illegal to discriminate against anyone because of their sex.

Some interpret sex as referring strictly to biological sex, while others believe it also applies to transgender people who have a gender recognition certificate.

The Conservatives previously said they would amend the Equality Act so that it is clear, in this context, that it only applies to biological sex.

Keir StarmerKeir Starmer (Image: PA) Keir Starmer has said the Equality Act does not need to change but pledged his commitment to protecting single-sex spaces.

However, critics have questioned what this will mean in practice because in the past he has struggled when asked to define what he believes a woman is.

The Norfolk Constabulary document - which also says trans officers can have dual or multiple warrant cards if they are transitioning or gender fluid - has been signed off by Alison Ings, the force solicitor.

The section on changing facilities and toilets states: "All trans individuals are entitled to use the toilet, shower and changing facilities appropriate to their gender identity. Where this does not fit a binary definition of gender, the individual is able to choose where they feel most comfortable, recognising that some but not all buildings have facilities that are not gender specific."

MP Rupert LoweMP Rupert Lowe (Image: PA/MAJA SMIEJKOWSKA) Mr Lowe said the policy raised a number of questions and put female members of staff in a difficult position.

“What is the complaint process for Norfolk police? Are concerned staff's worries processed fairly? Are officers involved unwilling to raise these concerns, for fear of being labelled a 'bigot' or whatever else?" he added.

“If I'm accused of being a dinosaur for believing that women-only spaces should be exclusively for women, then so be it.

“Safeguarding women is essential, and we must respect their right to women-only spaces.”

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In a statement, Norfolk Constabulary said: "We recruit people from all walks of life because we want a workforce that reflects the wide range of people living and working in Norfolk.

"Essential to this ambition is providing a workplace in which people are supported and feel they can be themselves, and this includes their gender identity.

"We know there are a variety of identifications that people may use to identify themselves and in line with good practice guidance from the independent public body, the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitrations Service (Acas), trans people must be able to use the facilities appropriate to the gender in which they present.

"One potential solution is to offer individual and/or gender-neutral toilets and changing facilities, however that isn’t always possible in all our workplaces, offices and stations as yet, and so trans colleagues can use the toilet, shower and changing facilities in every and all force buildings appropriate to their gender identity.

"If any individual expressed concern or discomfort about sharing facilities then we would seek to resolve this sensibly, and sensitively."



The criticism from Reform MP Rupert Lowe comes just days after he attacked the James Paget Hospital, in his constituency, for a document in which it told staff to avoid saying babies were "born male" or "born female".

Instead, the hospital says the phase "assigned female/male" because it "more accurately depicts the situation of what happens at birth".

The row saw the JPH labelled "the hospital that does not understand childbirth".

Mr Lowe has also been involved in a row with his local council after it flew the 'progress' flag, which includes the colours of the trans flag, in a rebuke to comments he made online.

He has been strongly critical of the flag being flown from public buildings, as it promotes gender ideology, which he has described as "disturbing".

Rupert Lowe has said the Progress Pride flag should not be on display in hospitals Rupert Lowe has said the Progress Pride flag should not be on display in hospitals (Image: Newsquest)

This is the idea that people's so-called 'gender identity' should be prioritised over their biological sex.

Critics of gender ideology, such as Mr Lowe, say that sex is biological and immutable, so it cannot be changed.

They warn that the promotion of such an ideology poses a risk to vulnerable young people, by encouraging them to believe they can be born "in the wrong body", as well as women, by undermining the safety of female-only places, like changing rooms, and sport, by granting access to biological men.

Mr Lowe's comments have been criticised by Great Yarmouth's Pride group, which has accused him of "inciting hatred".