A zebra crossing in Horsford is set to be upgraded after a woman was hit by a car on Christmas Eve.

The incident happened last year in Holt Road, by the junction with Mill Lane, and resulted in the woman being taken to hospital with serious injuries.

She was initially taken to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital before being transferred to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

Horsford Parish Council and Norfolk County Council have since decided to remove the zebra crossing and install traffic lights.

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They will also improve lighting in the area and resurface the road on either side of the new crossing.

The work, which is costing £230,000, will begin on October 28 and is expected to take three weeks to complete.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place for the duration of the project and the road will be closed between 7pm and 11pm on November 13, November 14 and November 15 for the resurfacing element.

Pedestrian and vehicle access to properties will be maintained.