A café is celebrating the 15th anniversary of the international repair café movement.

Halesworth Repair Café, which launched in January 2022, will host a special event on October 22, from 2pm to 4pm, at The Cut.

A wide variety of repair services will be available at the café, including darning, sewing, electrical, necklace re-stringing, and jewellery advice.

The café also provides sewing machine repairs, tool sharpening, clock repairs, and computer advice and repairs.

Marion Gaze, co-founder of Halesworth Repair Café, said: “We’re particularly excited about this, as computers and smart phones are both expensive to replace and difficult to recycle properly.

The Halesworth Café launched in January 2022 The Halesworth Café launched in January 2022 (Image: Submitted)

“And it turns out, the UK is the second highest producer of electronic waste per head in the world, yet sadly we’re falling behind other countries in support for repair and reuse”.

The café encourages a culture of repairing rather than discarding in Halesworth and surrounding villages.

They also direct users to local businesses for parts needed and for more specialist repairs.

The café has also been successful in fixing a significant number of items since it launched.

Co-founder Nick Hoare said: "Since we started, we’ve looked at 529 items, successfully fixing 409 of them."

Halesworth Repair Cafe to celebrate 15 years of repairing Halesworth Repair Cafe (Image: Submitted)

The repair café welcomes people to bring items that need repair, and to sit with the repairer while the work is done.

This gives them an opportunity to learn more about the process.

Mr Hoare added: "It’s great to see people engaging with the repairs.

"The fixers are all very friendly and knowledgeable and it’s a great opportunity to talk and – just like the BBC’s Repair Shop - find out more about the back-story to the items being fixed."

People can stay updated on the Halesworth Repair Café Facebook page and the repair café movement's website.