Mystery surrounds the death of a “very active” 30-year-old builder who died two weeks after testing positive for Covid. 

An inquest into the death of Kenneth Kusel revealed that his body was discovered alone at his home in King’s Lynn on August 14. 

He lived on Highgate with his mother, Matilda, who had been travelling in Germany at the time of his death.  

It was his neighbours who raised the alarm after becoming concerned they had not heard from him in four days. 

After climbing inside an open window, they found him lying on his bed having passed away. 

Paramedics arrived at the scene and declared him dead just after midday. 

Norfolk Coroner’s Court, based at County Hall in Norwich, heard that Mr Kusel did not suffer from any serious health issues but was on medication for hay fever. 

He had tested positive for Covid a fortnight earlier and despite initially feeling “very unwell” he self-medicated with cough medicine and went on to make a quick recovery. 

He was able to return to work after about a week. 

It was initially suggested that he may have gone into cardiac arrest, however, a post mortem examination could not ascertain the cause of death.

Assistant coroner, Christopher Leach, said: “The medical cause of death could not be ascertained due to post mortem changes in the body. 

“Mr Kusel was found by neighbours in his bed after not being seen for four days. Emergency services were called, an ambulance attended and death was recognised at the scene. 

“I’m satisfied and the previous medical history summary that there are no medical conditions which are likely, on the balance of probabilities, to have caused or contributed to Mr Kusel’s death. 

“Given the absence of evidence of any matters which may have caused or contributed to Mr Kusel’s death, this is an appropriate inquest in which to record an open conclusion.” 

An inquest was held into the death of Kenneth Kusel An inquest was held into the death of Kenneth Kusel (Image: Go Fund Me)


Kenneth Arhin Kussel was born in the German city of Ludwigsburg on June 6, 1994. It is believed he attended King Edward VII Academy Sixth Form in Lynn. 

His mother described him as a very active man who went to the gym, played in pool competitions, and enjoyed a drink with friends at the weekends. 

He worked as a builder for a construction company and “never had any complaints in life.” 

Following his death, dozens of flowers were left outside his home and tributes were paid to him online.

One friend said: “Really was a pleasure knowing you from secondary school, then from the pub.

“You lit every room up when you walked in with your contagious smile - not forgetting greeting everyone with one of your hugs every time you walked in the pub, which we are all going to miss. 

“Going to miss the conversations we had. 

"You really were the life and soul of the party, such a kind-hearted lad. So many memories everyone has with you.” 

READ MORE: To read all obituaries and tributes join the Facebook group Norfolk's Loved & Lost. 

Another added: “Rest in peace Kenneth Kusel, you truly were one of the very best humans I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. You will be missed by so many.” 

While one simply said: “Missing you so much, Ken. Taken way too soon, so young.” 

A Go Fund Me fundraiser was launched in his memory and raised more than £3,700 to go towards the cost of his funeral.

The service took place at the King's Centre in Lynn on Thursday, September 12, followed by interment at Gayton Road Cemetery.

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