A drug dealer who was arrested after he was seen acting suspiciously in a Lowestoft alleyway and was found with a knuckle duster and wraps of cannabis has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Twenty-two-year-old Bradley Eade was in Alexandra Road, Lowestoft, at 1.20am on March 15 when he was stopped by officers, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Following his arrest his home was searched officers found cash,  a further amount of cannabis and a mobile phone which contained bulk marketing messages relating to the sale of cannabis.

The court heard that a total of 96g of cannabis, with a street value of between £840 and £980, and £800 cash were found in Eade’s possession.

Eade, of High Street, Lowestoft, admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply and possessing a knuckle duster in a public place.

He was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months, a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to pay £100 costs.

Joe Bird, for Eade, said his client had no previous convictions and regretted committing the offences.

He said Eade suffered from depression and anxiety and was receiving help from his GP.

He said Eade and his partner were expecting their first child in November and he was motivated to lead a useful life in the future.