A suspected Norwich drug dealer accused of laundering more than £71,000 has claimed it was the proceeds of dog breeding.

Korry Salih, 48, faces allegations of intent to supply heroin after a large haul of drugs was discovered at his home.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told police had searched his property after he was stopped and searched in March 2023. 

Officers are said to have found a total of 25.6g of powder containing diamorphine which is commonly pedalled as street heroin. 

READ MORE: How police are beating heroin dealers at their own game

Salih, of Parliament Court in Dussindale, appeared in court to also face a charge of concealing or disguising criminal property between March 2021 and March 2023.

Nicola Lamb, prosecuting, said it related to cash deposits totalling more than £71,000 transferred in two separate bank accounts.  

Salih did not enter pleas but the court was told he denied involvement in drug dealing and claimed the money was legitimate proceeds of a dog breeding business. 

Deputy District Judge Claire Furlong said the charges were “too serious for the powers of the magistrates court”. 

A plea and trial preparation hearing will be heard at Norwich Crown Court on October 25.