A council leader has pledged people will not be charged entry to Cromer Pier.

Concerns were raised after Steve Blatch, chief executive at North Norfolk District Council, proposed the measure at a committee meeting as a potential way to help solve the cash crisis it faces.

The mooted fees had caused concern in the town that it would put off visitors.

And those fears have been allayed after Tim Adams, leader of the district council, said the idea was dead in the water.

He said: "We have never felt that it suits our business model. We are not looking to charge entry to the pier in any respect."

Among those who feared fees would be introduced was Erik Bradshaw, an English teacher who fishes off Cromer Pier.

READ MORE: Cromer Pier charges proposed amid North Norfolk cash deficit

English teacher, Erik BradshawEnglish teacher Erik Bradshaw (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest) Mr Bradshaw said: "It will discourage people from fishing and could cause unforeseen negative circumstances.

"It has been free for a long time and it should be free. 

"If you don't affect the pier why should you have to pay to fish here.

Concerns were also raised about the fact that the pier houses the RNLI Cromer lifeboat station and shop.

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RNLI volunteer, David TapperRNLI volunteer David Tapper (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest) RNLI volunteer David Tapper said: "I'm amazed really.

"We would lose a lot of trade I'm sure. 

"Also, what if there's a shout, having a toll might affect people getting up here if there is a barrier."

However, there were some in favour of the idea, which has now been shot down.

​Ex-soldier Ian Lambert said: "I completely agree with it. 

READ MORE: Cromer RNLI crew thanked by rescued man and his dog

Ex-soldier, Ian LambertEx-soldier Ian Lambert (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest) "They have to maintain the pier and we use it as fishermen. 

"It won't discourage people, look how much people spend on crabbing.

"What is £1 on top? 

The Nickersons who were on a trip from Norwich said: "I don't think we would come at all. 

The Nickerson's and their dog Mr Ted from NorwichThe Nickersons and their dog Mr Ted from Norwich (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest) "It's penny pinching."  

Cromer town mayor Pat West shared his personal disappointment at the news that the district council was thinking of charging entrance to the pier.

Tim Adams at Cromer seafrontTim Adams at Cromer seafront (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest)