A man armed himself with a golf club in a stand-off with three other people in a city car park, a court has heard.

Matthew Oarton, 38, went out into a car park with the weapon to protect a friend who was being "picked on" by two others.

Norwich Crown Court heard the four were seen in a car park in Watson Grove, near West Pottergate, with weapons.

Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest) Martin Ivory, prosecuting, said Oarton was initially thought to have a machete, although it has since been established it was a golf club. 

He said others involved in the stand-off, which happened at about 11pm on March 8 this year, also had weapons, including one with an air rifle.

They faced off against each other with two on one side and two on the other about 15 to 20 feet apart.

Mr Ivory said the group, who were "shouting" at each other, went towards each other in a "half-hearted way" before retreating and shouting and threatening each other.

He said this happened two or three times and insisted it was "quite clear" those involved were known to each other and had a falling out.

He also said no-one was hurt in the incident.

Oarton, from Devonshire Street, Norwich, appeared in court on Wednesday when he pleaded not guilty to affray but admitted threatening behaviour.

Matthew OartonMatthew Oarton (Image: Norfolk Constabulary) Ian James, mitigating for Oarton, who has more than 60 previous convictions for 164 offences, said he deserved credit for his plea.

He said all four involved in the incident knew each other and were "willing participants" with Oarton trying to defend his friend who had been picked on.

He said the incident went no further than "posturing" with no-one either hit or hurt.

Recorder Nicola Fitches imposed a seven week sentence of imprisonment.