A new eco-loo has been given the go-ahead at one of Norfolk's flagship bird reserves.

The RSPB has been given planning permission for the "waterless, chemical free and electricity free" toilet in the car park of its site at Snettisham, near King's Lynn.

It said in a planning statement: "Currently there are no permanent toilet facilities on site, or within five miles of the reserve.

READ MORE: Geese in fully cry as Autumn returns to the Norfolk coast

"For many people – those with medical issues, school children, families and older people – this prevents them from visiting the reserve."

It says some 30,000 people visit the reserve annually, bringing an estimated £2.3m to the local economy.

"There could be a small rise in the number of visitors once the reserve includes a toilet facility," it adds. "This is expected to be very minimal."

The new loo will also be available to anglers fishing on the Shepherd's Port lakes next to the reserve.