A window cleaner who threatened to kill people in a town centre told the court “I’ve got as many convictions as Donald Trump”. 

In one of several outbursts from the dock, Richard Kebble said his record was no worse than the former US president.  

The 61-year-old, of Bank Close in North Walsham, pleaded guilty to using threatening and abusive language that caused people to fear unlawful violence following an incident on September 21. 

Prosecutor Josephine Jones told Norwich Magistrates’ Court he had begun arguing with a pub landlord.

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He had subsequently become abusive and swearing, shouting “I’m going to f****** kill you” on Market Street in North Walsham and making throat-cutting gestures.  

He had also abused police officers called to the incident and made homophobic comments, she added. 

Richard Mann, mitigating, said he apologised for his behaviour.

“He has been going through some particular personal difficulties and has physical issues,” he added. 

Deputy District Judge Hayes fined him £120 and ordered he pay costs of £133.