Two teenagers have been spared an immediate jail sentence over a violent attack on a man who was kicked and stamped on.  

Levi Cooke and Kyle Reeve, both 18, pleaded guilty to affray and using or threatening unlawful violence following the incident in Wymondham on July 30 last year. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was shown video footage capturing the incident that had been recorded by the victim’s partner. 

Suspending a four month jail sentence for 12 months, magistrates told Reeve: “Looking at the film and what you did most people would expect you to go to custody.”

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Ordering the teen, from Muriel Court, Wymondham, also carry out unpaid work and pay £250 compensation they added his age and lack of maturity meant he could be rehabilitated outside prison. 

Annette Hall, mitigating, said he was “disgusted by his actions” but that he had been a youth at the time and susceptible to “peer pressure”.

He had walked away while the kicking and stamping continued, she added.   

Cooke, of Cullyer Crescent, Wymondham, was also given a suspended sentence for his part and ordered to pay compensation.