A teenage boy has been left with head lacerations after being hit with a glass bottle in Dereham.

A group of teenagers were playing football in Dereham Rugby Park last Monday when a glass bottle hit one of them on the head.

Police were later called to Moorgate Road at 6.40pm.

Police were called to Moorgate Road in Dereham following the incident (Image: Google)
The 15-year-old's mother, Charmaine Cornwall, found out her son had been hit on the head and was bleeding badly.

"I was still driving home from work when it happened. I felt sick as I couldn't get to him and I felt worried it might be an attack," she said.

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"He had three lacerations to the side of his head which required cleaning and gluing."

The teenager was sent to hospital and suffered three head lacerations following the incident (Image: Charmaine Cornwall) "Children should be able to play at that time at a children's park without that sort of worry," she added.

"My concern is it will make him feel unsafe in the future. It has certainly made me reluctant to allow him out now."

The glass bottle was thrown by an unseen perpetrator. 

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Norfolk Constabulary quoting reference 36/66710/24.