Plans to turn a former youth hostel into a 10-bed party house look set to get the go-ahead - despite fears they will leave WI members unable to access their hall.

North Norfolk District Council's planning committee has been recommended to approve proposals for the building on Church Plain at Wells when it meets on Thursday.

A report to councillors says the plans would not result in harm to the Wells conservation area or the setting of listing buildings.

It adds rights over access are "a civil matter" and the developer is "taking steps to approve arrangements", including removing pedestrian gates.

The WI hall, behind the former hostel (Image: Chris Bishop) The report says 60 objections have been received. They include Wells Town Council, which says: "The Women’s Institute Hall to the west of the Hostel has served the ladies and community of Wells since at least 1923.

"The imposition of this development on these ladies and the potential loss of unrestricted access is catastrophic.

"Many of the members have restricted mobility and need vehicle access to the door of the Hall. The idea that they will have to negotiate massive metal gates is disgusting."

READ MORE: Anger at plans for 'party house' next door to Wells WI

The former youth hostel at Wells (Image: Chris Bishop) Parking spaces at the rear of the hostel would be lost to make way for a plunge pool and terrace.

Other objectors raised fears of disturbance from a party property in a quiet area of Wells opposite a church, as well as the loss of parking.

The hostel, built in the early 20th century, was originally the hall for St Nicholas Church, which stands across the road, before it later became a youth hostel.

The hostel, which closed in around 2020 was sold for £400,000 in April to a buyer described as "experienced boutique hoteliers".

Their plans also include "reconfiguration of the internal layouts to contemporary living standards, including the addition of en-suite bathrooms to bedrooms and an open plan living space".