Second World War veterans attended a Battle of Britain commemoration at County Hall.

Norfolk County Council hosted the ceremony on Friday.

The event was attended by members of the armed forces, county leaders and the veterans, who have an average age of 100.

Stuart Dark, county council chairman, said: "We are very honoured this year to have four World War Two RAF veterans from Norfolk leading our parade.

The veterans, with an average age of 100, were led into the ceremony by the next generation of Cadets The veterans, with an average age of 100, were led into the ceremony by the next generation of cadets (Image: Submitted)

"They all endured hardships and loss we can only imagine - we owe them, their comrades and their generation so very much."

The veterans were led into the ceremony by the next generation of cadets as part of the opening parade, accompanied by music from the Norwich City Concert Band.

Mr Dark added: “Norfolk has, I believe, a unique connection to the Battle of Britain and the armed forces.

"It is important that we keep this history at the front of our minds today."

Norfolk County Council hosted a group of Second World War veterans Norfolk County Council hosted a group of Second World War veterans (Image: Submitted)

Prayers were led by Norfolk County Council chaplain, the Revd Albert Cadmore.

The Airman's Prayer was read by Group Captain Frederick Wigglesworth, station commander at RAF Marham.

HM Lord-Lieutenant, Lady Dannatt MBE, recited extracts from speeches by Sir Winston Churchill.

The event took place at County Hall on Friday 13 September The event took place at County Hall on Friday 13 September (Image: Submitted)

Wreaths were laid ahead of the playing of the Last Post and a minute's silence.

The service concluded with the playing of the National Anthem.