A self-employed barber became an "aggressor" when he punched another man to the floor following a 'melee' that ensued after a comment about a woman in Norwich's clubland.

Torraen Grant, 20, had been out in Norwich when they encountered the victim and his friend - who was with his girlfriend - who had been out on Prince of Wales Road.

Prince of Wales Road, NorwichPrince of Wales Road, Norwich (Image: Newsquest)Norwich Crown Court heard one of Grant's friends said "excuse me babe, have you got a boyfriend" to the girlfriend of one of the other men.

Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)

It prompted an altercation between the boyfriend, who was "pretty annoyed" by the comment, and Grant and his friends.

Minutes later - after the two men and the woman went to wait for a taxi - the two groups crossed paths again although this time violence erupted. 

In the "melee" that ensued Grant became separated from his friends - who were involved in a fracas with the other man - and punched the victim "several times in the face" resulting in him going to the floor.

The victim "struggled to his feet having been rendered unconscious" when Grant punched him "once more to the face".

Martin Ivory, prosecuting, said the victim was taken to hospital with a suspected broken jaw.

However, it was later discovered he had only suffered bruising.

Grant, of Britons Lane, Beeston Regis, appeared in court on Tuesday for sentencing after admitting assault occasioning actual bodily harm on September 11 2022.

Judge Andrew Shaw said a man had "overreacted" to a comment made to his girlfriend resulting in the melee and violence.

But he said Grant had gone "over the top" and moved from "self defence" or defence of others to becoming an "aggressor".

Judge Shaw said it was important to understand "there are consequences for getting involved in this sort of public violence in Prince of Wales Road".

Giving Grant credit for his plea and previous positive good character, he made him the subject of a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £250 compensation to the victim.

Oliver Haswell, mitigating, said it was a "moment of madness" by Grant, a self-employed barber, borne out of the actions of others.

He said Grant, a father-of-one who lives with his child and fiancée, was "mortified" by what he had done.

Grant was also ordered to pay £150 costs.