A celebrated florist will help raise money for a church's major fundraising campaign.

Nick Grounds, a well-known horticultural auctioneer and National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) national demonstrator, will showcase his skills to support All Saints Church, Shouldham.

The event, titled "Keep Calm and Arrange Flowers," will be held on Thursday, October 17, at 7pm at Shouldham Bowls Club.

Mr Grounds, who is based in Wisbech, will create up to six floral arrangements, sharing tips and stories from his career.

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The evening will also feature a raffle and auction of the completed arrangements, with Mr Grounds using his auctioneer skills to raise funds for the church.

The evening will be informal, with the club's bar open and nibbles provided.

The event is expected to be the first of many aimed at raising urgently needed funds for the repair and refurbishment of the church.