An advertising agency is fighting a council's refusal of its bid to display billboards in Great Yarmouth.

Global Outdoor Media Ltd, based in London, wants to continue to display five illuminated adverts at the corner of Howard Street South and Stonecutters Way.

They are more than 3m tall and more than 6m wide and have been mounted on a fence at the site since 1999.

But planners at Great Yarmouth Borough Council are now saying that local planning policies have changed since the billboards were last given permission five years ago.

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They said the council is now seeking to improve the townscape in the location, which is part of the Hall Quay and South Quay Conservation Area.

They added that while the character of the area "currently has negative aspects", it is improving, and the continued presence of the adverts would be harmful for the visual amenity.

Global has appealed the rejection to the Planning Inspectorate, government agency which can overturn decisions where it thinks councils have gone against planning law. 

They are seeking permission for the billboards for another five years.