A "troubled young man" who tragically took his own life was found in the woods by dog walkers, an inquest has heard.

Corey Lance was found at Neatherd Moor in Dereham in April last year. He was just 20 years old.

An inquest into his death was held in Norwich on Friday 13 September.

It heard that a couple discovered Mr Lance in a wooded area of the moorland park as they walked their dog, a labrador golden shepherd cross, on the morning of April 26, 2023.

In a statement read to the court, Ian Edwards said: "Everything appeared normal and we saw around seven other people walking their dogs in the area. It was around 7.20am.

"We walked towards the benches and saw what looked to be a coat in the woods."

Corey Lance, pictured in 2021 after suffering a motorcycle crash (Image: Corey Lance)

Mr Edwards said he had initially feared it may have been somebody waiting to ambush, but soon realised the person was unresponsive and immediately called 999.

He said the police arrived around five minutes later and CPR was started on Mr Lance, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Meanwhile, the court heard that Mr Lance, who worked as a janitor, had a complex history of mental ill health, including emotionally unstable personality disorder and anxiety.

His last contact with mental health services came two months before his death, on 24 February, when he was seen by a liaison and diversion (L&D) officer at Wymondham police investigation centre.

At the time he was questioned on suspicion of two counts of malicious communication and was in a distressed state in custody.

John Keen, the L&D officer who saw him, said that on his release Mr Lance had been provided with contact information for crisis support services.

Jacqueline Lake, Norfolk senior coroner, said that while Mr Lance had taken his own life, she could not conclude that his death was suicide due to the levels of alcohol in his system at the time of his death.

She said: "While Mr Lance was clearly a troubled young man, I am unable to determine whether he was able to form the intention to end his own life.

Family's tribute

(Image: Supplied by family)

Following his tragic death, members of Mr Lance's loved ones paid a touching tribute to him, saying the incident had sent shockwaves through the family. 

Speaking previously to this newspaper, his sister Chelsea Howlett Lance said: "Corey was known as a caring, loving, there-for-anybody sort of young man.

"He meant a lot to me and knew he always had a place to stay if he needed it.

"He would come to me about everything, that's why I am so shocked he didn't message me this time.

"He will be sorely missed by myself, all his siblings, aunties, uncles, cousins, nan and everyone in the family and friends."

His brother Mason Cummings added: "He was such a loveable person who always had a smile on his face."

Mr Lance had no fixed address at the time, but was born in Ipswich and had recently started to work at the Romany Rye pub in Dereham.